Rapid Prototyping & 3D Printing
CEI has invested in a 3D printer to accelerate product development and innovation of pre-production parts for its customers.
In a dynamically changing world, our customers are always looking for ways to improve their designs and part functionality with minimal upfront investment. 3D printed parts are perfect for proof of concept and product mock-ups because they can be done at a fraction of the cost and time of a standard short-run job at the machine. And because the parts are made out of Strong ABS plus plastic that can stand up to functional testing under real-world conditions, models can be drilled, machined, sanded, painted and chrome plated for better visualization of concept and design.
If 3D printed parts will not work for your application, we do offer rapid prototyping services for CNC work as well. Let us know how we can best serve you on your next project.